New Way® a Natural Choice for Pomona
SoCal City Shifts Refuse Trucks to CNG Sidewinders

Pomona, CA - The city of Pomona, CA, recently held a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the transition of their 22-truck fleet to New Way® Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) refuse trucks. The decision was made to switch to CNG models based on the positive environmental impact and the financial savings that CNG will bring to the community.
New Way®'s CNG Sidewinder™Automatic Side-Loaders were attractive to Pomona for a number of reasons, including the Sidewinder's signature reinforced frame-mounted arm, helping waste management drivers collect more efficiently in neighborhoods with a high percentage of cul-de-sacs. The city's mechanics enjoy the ease of maintenance as well as the outstanding customer service they receive.
"The Sidewinder looked like it had been well planned out and we were really impressed with the way it ran," says Pomona Solid Waste Manager Howard Morris. "It also looked a lot easier to work on than a lot of the other vehicles we've seen and when we've had little problems, New Way® has been very responsive."
The Sidewinder™ was also attractive from a budgetary standpoint after Pomona received a grant from California's Air Quality Management District to help fund their purchase. "We feel like we got the Cadillac (of refuse trucks) for the cheapest possible price," says Morris.